Kath Manby, Advocate, Principal of VM Family Law
Kath Manby is an Accredited Specialist in Family Law and the Principal of VM Family Law. With over 17 years of experience, Kath is an expert in navigating the complexities of the legal system. In 2019, she was named the Australian Regional/Suburban Lawyer of the Year and Business Person of the Year, a testament to her exceptional skills.
Kath's passion for helping people inspired her to create VM Family Law, a law firm that provides top-notch legal services that are accessible and client-friendly. Her calm and comforting approach has made her a favourite among clients, and she has worked with them on a wide range of family law matters. She also has strong working relationships with other organisations such as DVAC and a number of Barristers who can provide clients with Counsel if needed.
With her expertise, dedication, and commitment to achieving the best possible outcome for her clients, Kath is one of the leading family law practitioners in Queensland and has a passion for seeing breakthrough and change when it comes to Domestic Violence