A coloured line drawing of a multicultural group of people

Integrated Working Grouop

Our vision is to inspire hope within our community by framing domestic and family violence (DFV) as a collective concern.

Through shared responsibility and active engagement, we strive to build a safer society, envisioning a future liberated from the scourge of domestic and family violence. This strategy serves as a beacon of hope, leading Ipswich's response to DFV. Embracing community-led solutions, the plan invites active participation, ensuring that voices are not only heard but elevated. Beyond our community, this initiative stands as a potential template, offering guidance to other communities.

Our role as a working group is to monitor the progress of the Ipswich Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy and Action Plan (the Action Plan) and work together to achieve our strategy. The collaboration across government, not-for-profit services, community groups and victim survivors instils hope in both the sector and the community. We acknowledge the multitude of services that have contributed over the years, recognising this as an ongoing journey. The working group plays a vital monitoring role, circling back to community consultation, symbolising the commitment to a lasting and inclusive process.

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